There is a heartbreaking story behind this young guy who is walking happily with his first prosthesis. He never expected to ever lose his leg. Before he had his leg amputated, he was an electrician and worked around rural areas. He used to travel with a motorbike to check the lines in the area.
One day, he got a small wound on his shin bone because of the motorcycle gear bar and he thought it would heal by itself within a few days.
Unfortunately, two weeks after he got injured, his wound showed discoloration and swelling. He started to worry, went to see a doctor for the first time and got medication. However, the wound got worse and worse, so he went to the hospital to investigate the cause. After a few tests, they discovered that he had a bone marrow problem which resulted in a bone tumor. He was shocked and depressed about it, this is when he started chemotherapy.

After a couple of months at the hospital, his pain was not gone and even worse. One evening, he fell and broke his leg. They tried to fix it with a steel bar and skin grafting but the bone didn’t set right and he had to undergo below-knee amputation. In the end they had to operate 4 times to get all the tumor and that is why he is now amputated above the knee.
He contacted us before he did the above-knee amputation and asked how he could take care of his stump before he wore the prosthesis. We contacted the physiotherapist who lives in the same city so that she could teach him pre-fitting exercises. When his stump was ready, we made a prosthesis for him. He used to be the one bringing income to his family but it stopped when he got injured and on top of that he had to spend a lot of money for his medical bills. Therefore, we decided to give him a significant discount. We are happy to help people with low means and who need something to fulfill their life.